Custom Mods - RED DEAD REDEMPTION 1 GOTY [xbox 360]


by yakiyaki

Topics RDR, Red, Dead, Redemption, Rockstar Games, x360, xbox 360, Emulator, xenia, RAGE Console Texture Editor, modding, mod, Magic RDR, AreDeAre, RPF, Tool, Editor

This is a mix of mods and tweaks for RED DEAD REDEMPTION 1 GOTY (XBOX 360) to use with Xenia emulator, all the files included can be replaced with the vanilla files extracted form the ".iso".

How to extract the .iso, how to launch the modded game with xenia and all the instructions included in the zip file.


- Skip The Intro

- PlayStation Button Prompts Over XBOX

- Smaller And HD Aiming Dot

- Colored Weapons In The Weapon Wheel

- Colored Map/Radar Blips

- Removed Thumbsticks' DeadZone

- John Outfits Retextures + Face With No Scar (Default, Old Duster, Gentleman, Elegant, Assassin, Treasure Hunter)

- Horse Retextures (Dark Hairs For War Horse, Painted Quarter To Dark Horse SWAP)

- Infinite Consumables

- Infinte Ammo

- Game Paused During Weapon Wheel

- Zero Deadeye Consumption (Infinite)

- Max Points For Every Hit In Duels (sometimes doesn't work?)

- Horses Infinite Stamina

- Increased Horses Speed (All Horses + Wagons)

- Increased Horses Slowdown Delay (Aka Cruise Control)

Addeddate 2023-01-01 04:03:59

Identifier custom-mods-rdr-1-goty-xenia-xbox-360

Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.7.0

File Size: 13.3 MB 

File Format: ZIP, ISO

{getProduct} $button={Download File} $price={Free} $sale={99% Off} $icon={download}

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