YoWhatsapp APK Download (Anti-Ban) | Latest Version


YoWhatsapp APK: Download YoWhatsapp APK latest version fromour site and experience some of the best features of Whatsapp. Many people nowadays look for the modded version rather than using the original one. This is why the flexibility and extra features it comes with. Many developers and websites often modify the official version and integrate new features that are not present in the original one.

Apps such as FM WhatsappOGWhastappGB Whatsapp and Whatsapp Plus are also available on our websites to download, But for today’s article, we are going to talk about Yo WhatsApp (YOWA) and it’s cool features. So, let’s get started and jump into the main contents of YoWhatsapp.

What Is YoWhatsApp?

YoWhatsapp has been recently launched by app developer Yousef Al-Basha, the app editor and mod enthusiast have added some of the features which make the Yo WhatsApp APK stand apart from all the other Whatsapp Mods. As we have discussed earlier, YoWhatsApp APK latest version is a modified version of the original WhatsApp APK which easily surpasses the other modded WhatsApp APKs available on the internet.

The app developers keep updating the app whenever the latest version from the official WhatsApp developers arrive on Google Play Store. You can say YoWhatsApp, also known as YOWA is the ultimate version of original WhatsApp APK that you can use and try all the exciting features. You can download Yowhatspp APK from the site clicking the download button.

Yo Whatsapp is already being used by millions of people in the world. But since the app didn’t get any update for a long time, many of the people experiencing bugs, app crashing issues and poor performance of YoWhatsApp. So we decided to provide you with the latest version of YO Whatsapp which is free from bugs, glitches and performance issues. You will get YoWhatsApp from our site totally safe and secure without any malware or adware. YoWhatsApp Download links are provided below download now, but before downloading, don’t you want to go through the all new features.

YoWhatsApp APK Download

download yowhatsapp apk
Size48 MB
Available atGoogle Play
Updated21 July, 2021

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Why Yo WhatsApp APK Over The Official WhatsApp?

WhatsApp has always been with us for a long time, it’s simplicity, reliability and instant messaging service makes it a perfect social media App. We use WhatsApp on a daily basis, and we can’t simply live with it. Be it a text message, sending images or even videos, WhatsApp doesn’t break a sweat and gives us the best it can give.

WhatsApp developers kept adding new features to the WhatsApp, but they couldn’t able to provide users with some of the features that are more important with the respect of privacy and security. Things like Hiding Last Seen, Customization, Themes, Changing Styles, App Lock, Conversation Locks, Privacy Mods, Anti-Ban and many more! We will discuss these features, in brief, so let’s begin!

Exclusive Features Of YoWhatsApp


privacy yowa

Original WhatsApp doesn’t offer its users full-fledged privacy. Nowadays, privacy has become the most important topic when we use any social media app. That’s why some people don’t find WhatsApp as a secure place to stay online as other people might sneak into their online life and can get to know many things that the user doesn’t want to disclose. Considering all these problems regarding the privacy Yousef Al-Basha have integrated some of the best features in the WhatsApp to make its users feel more reliable and secure.

  1. Freeze Last Seen: Enabling this feature will let you use WhatsApp without any worries as your last seen won’t be visible to the
  2. Who Can Call Me?: It works simply as the name suggests. You can block the incoming call from any of your friends by going to their profile. After turning this feature on, if someone calls you on WhatsApp, his call will hang up before reaching you. In short, you will not receive his calls. Though, this feature is might seem useful, it may create an emergency problem at a time. So, we recommend you to turn this feature only when someone is irritating you.
  3. Hide View Status: By using this feature on YoWhatsApp, your friends can’t see your name in their status view list. It means, it will hide you from his status list but still, you can watch his WhatsApp status.
  4. Anti-Delete Messages: On the regular version, if someone deletes the message he has sent you, you can’t read it. But with the help of Anti-Delete Status on YoWhatsApp, you can still read the messages even after he has deleted them. Such an amazing feature it is, isn’t it? Try YoWhatsApp now and explore all its features.
  5. Anti-Delete Status: Again as the name suggests, The anti-delete status will help you watch stories and video statuses of your friends who have deleted it. Sounds cool? Try it now.
  6. Show Blue Ticks After Reply: This is one of the best features of YoWhatsApp. Your friends with whom you are chatting won’t get Blue Ticks on his chat screen unless you reply to his messages. This feature comes handy when we are busy in any work and don’t get enough time to reply to them. Such awesome features are not present in original WhatsApp APK and that’s why we recommend you to download and use Yo WhatsApp which is better the official WhatsApp


customization yowa

YoWhatsApp offers full-fledged freedom for customizing the app interface, home screen, conversation screen and much more. As well as, you will get tons of themes and personalized customization in YoWhatsapp, not only that you can customize the WhatsApp interface with your own images. Seems interesting? Download YoWhatsApp now and give it a shot.

  1. YoThemes Store: The YoThemes is an ultimate one-stop-shop for all the people out there who are bored with the regular WhatsApp green theme and want to try something new. Get 4000+ themes available to download and apply for free without spending a penny.
  2. Customize The Home and Conversation Screen: YoWhatsApp offers you the full freedom of how your WhatsApp home screen and conversation will look like. Take complete control over the different elements present on the screen. Change the color of tabs- unread counter text color, undead message text color, tabs background color, page title text color and much more.

Yo Whatsapp APK

yo whatsapp apk

Now, comes the most interesting part of YoWhatsApp. This is absolute freedom to customize the Whatsapp and make it work and look exactly how you wanted to be. YoWhatsApp comes with tons of exciting features in its latest update, there’s no limit what you can change in the Whatsapp. Literally, everything can be customized in no time the way you want. So, Let’s talk about all the YoWhatsApp Mods available to use in YoWhatsapp.

Universal Mods

yo whatsapp universal
  1. App Language: Now, you can use YoWhatsApp with support of over 10+ languages. It also supports our regional language Hindi along with the other languages such as Arabic, Espanol, Italian, German, Turkish and much more!
  2. Change Launcher Icons: Board of the same Whatsapp launcher icon? Wanna try something new? YoWhatsApp offers a number of Whatsapp launcher icons to choose from, everything is in the app, no need to install third-party icon packs.
  3. Conversation Cards in the recent menu: This is my personal favorite feature of YoWhatsApp. If we are chatting with someone and we press the recent button, every single chat will become a card. Sounds cool, right? This feature supports devices running Android 5.0 and above.
  4. Close the conversation screen by swiping from left to right: You can simply close the ongoing conversation by simply swiping right from left. This is a simple gesture that might be useful to you.
  5. Enable/ Disable message counter badge from the launcher and home screen: This is just another simple but very useful feature for the Whatsapp users. Notification badge icons can become irritating at a times and the badges Cannot be disabled either, is there any solution for that? Yes, YoWhatsApp lets you disable the message counter badge on the YoWhatsApp icon.
  6. Disable Audio Playing Notification in Status Bar: As simple as the name suggests, when we play any audio or voice message in WhatsApp, a notification pops up which can be irritating. Remove it by simply going to YoWhatsApp settings.

Home Screen Mods

home yowa
  1. Set your name instead of WhatsApp text on the app home screen: It will enable you to Change the text on app main screen and allows you to keep your name. You can also keep the status of yours on the YoWhatsApp home screen.
  2. Change the text size of Home Screen: With this feature, you can adjust the size of the text on the main screen of the YoWhatsApp.
  3. Hide Chats Divider: This feature will remove the grey line between chats in the main screen. This will give you a unique look to your Yo WhatsApp.
  4. Contact online Notifier: Get notified when someone in your contacts come online. You will get a short pop up message saying a particular contact is online. Pretty useful right? Try YoWhatsApp now.

Conversation Screen Mods

  1. Set custom Wallpaper per contact: Official version of WhatsApp does only let you set only one chat wallpaper for all the contacts. It doesn’t allow you to set different chat wallpaper for different contacts. But, with the latest version of YoWhatsApp you can set dedicated chat wallpaper for different contacts.
  2. Hide Contact Profile Picture: You can now hide the profile picture of the contacts from the conversation screen. If you turn on this feature, Their names will only appear and not the profile picture of them.
  3. Hide Contact Name and Call Button: Enabling this feature will hide the contact’s name from the header, only their profile picture might be visible.
  4. Hide Date and Time when copying messages: When we copy 2 or more messages at a time on the official version, date and time also get copied altogether. To avoid copying of date and time, turn on this feature and copy 2 or more messages simultaneously, without copying date and time.

Other Exciting Features Of YoWhatsApp

Send Images In Full Resolution: Sending images on WhatsApp has always been trouble since the images that we send are not received in the same quality. There’s a slight decrease in the quality of the photo we are sending or receiving. But, with YoWhatsapp, you can send pictures having as much as of 18 MB size and the image quality will not be reduced. Images will be sent or received as they were before. This is a very important feature for those who use Whatsapp for sending images. Download YoWhatsApp now to enjoy more awesome features and cool mods.

Send More Than 10 Images at a Time: Original version doesn’t allow it’s users to send more than 10 images at a time. But with the help of YoWhatsApp, you can easily send more than 10 Images at a time.

Send Videos Up to 700 MBs: Official WhatsApp limits the size of the video and doesn’t allow the users to send big size files. In such a case, you can send videos ranging up to 700 MBs with the help of YoWhatsapp APK.

Inbuilt Whatsapp locker: Sometimes, we receive WhatsApp messages, images and videos that are not meant for others to view. And that’s why we look for a third-party app locker on play store. But how about an integrated inbuilt feature which is already present in the YoWhatsApp itself. Download and give it a try to keep your WhatsApp safe from other people.

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